received this comment from FFCHS’s Ken Wilbourne Jr. in response to
this blog post:
Sun, 14 Sep 2014 18:39:31 +0000
[Miscellaneous Notes by Anthony Forwood] New comment on Facebook
Harassment Teams.
Anonymous noreply-comment@blogger.com
Forwood or whoever you are, thank you for this post of yours, though
I'd wish you never did this. It will only served to discredit you. I
have NEVER been associated with OSI in any way, nor do I associate
with their members. And, FFCHS does NOT have a racket of targeted
individuals bantering around to cause intentional problems. I banned
you years ago from a TI online social media support group due to your
disinformation about active denial technology and methods that is
used to harass and harm innocent citizens. It is my guess you are a
government paid infiltrator/agent. The lies you have posted here are
ridiculous and trustworthy for an example of what a true perpetrator
is. I hope someone sues your eyeballs out. - Ken Wilbourne
you claim that I’m a government-paid infiltrator/agent… based on
what evidence exactly? Because I point out damaging things about you
and your cohorts and what you’re all doing to harass and discredit
real TIs? I’ve tried to discuss these issues with you, Derrick
Robinson, Robert Duncan, and others, with the same avoidance tactics
used against me each time. As it is, this sort of accusation you make
here is a typical perp tactic when it comes with absolutely nothing
to back it up. They’re empty words, Ken... nothing more. Why don’t
you be kind enough to point out exactly what grounds you base this
accusation on? Otherwise, I really have no need to defend myself, and
your post only serves to show others how you and your ‘ex’-government
associates at FFCHS operate. However, if you can point out something
SPECIFIC that I’ve posted on my blog or elsewhere that’s at
fault, I’d be willing to change it to better reflect the truth. I
tried to discuss some issues with you once before, but you chose
instead to immediately kick me out of your facebook group, as you’ve
admitted here. You avoided answering for yourself and for FFCHS about
the things you continue to promote as true without ever providing any
evidence beyond your say-so, and you decided instead to close out the
person who questioned it and sought that evidence. That says a lot
about you…
As it
is, Ken, YOU specifically are involved in organized targeting against
selected TIs on facebook, including Dee Dorsty, which I have evidence
of posted below. Seeing that this targeting also involves Dee Hardin,
another long-time FFCHS member, and Will Litigate (aka OSI Informers,
aka Greg Gamache), who you claim to not be associated with, it just
further proves that FFCHS and the OSI gang are working together, and
that you’re a liar. Apparently, this is the usual MO for all of
you, to gang up on someone and smear them… but never with any
evidence of any wrongdoing on the part of the person you attack.
Compare that to what I provide on my blog regarding the questionable
activities of FFCHS. My evidence comes from your organization’s own
publications, from the quoted statements in the media of its board
members, and from many first-hand experiences with you and your
associates. Why don’t you answer to that? Calling me an
infiltrator/agent without any evidence whatsoever is merely a weak
tactical response to the strong evidence I’ve been compiling that
only fools would ever fall for. As it appears more and more, you’re
mixed up with the real infiltrator/agents, particularly Derrick
Robinson, who’s even admitted to being in the NSA, which no one
really ever gets out of once they sign up.
Ken, instead of just generalizing with your accusations, tell me what
you specifically find fault with and why and I’ll address it, and
we can go from there. Don’t just try to label me without backing
yourself up with something. That’s an extremely transparent perp
tactic that anyone with ANY intelligence can see through. And don’t
premeditate what you think my response will be in order to excuse
yourself from doing so, either. That’s a cop out that your good
friend the ‘Harvard grad’ Robert Duncan chose to take, which only
resulted in drawing my attention to all of you at FFCHS once again
and digging up more dirt.
If you feel that there’s a lawsuit here, please feel free to send me a subpoena. I would love to get you people into a court of law where you’ll be made to explain yourselves:
Anthony Forwood
#52-936 Granville St.
Vancouver, BC
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